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Client Testimonials

Using my fitness and diet program, my clients have completely turned their lives around. Take a look at the following reviews submitted by satisfied clients that continue to smash their goals and reach for the NEXT LEVEL.

Kris Bennett

Thank you Next Level Fitness. You have helped me so much. Your knowledge and expertise in functional training has made every workout great fun. I really like mixing up the cardio and the weight training and I get a buzz out of  pushing myself on a weekly basis. I look forward to my workouts! 

Sian Davies

I don’t get a huge amount of free time juggling a family and a job but having a personal trainer twice a week guarantees exercise in the most efficient way possible. Next Level Fitness understand your individuality and instil such confidence that the impossible even seems easy. Never did I think I could get to the point of bench-pressing my own bodyweight. In my first 4 weeks, I put on about 1kg of muscle and lost 1kg of fat.

Kelly McManus

I was nervous about going to the gym again after a long break from it. After my in depth consultation, I felt at ease immediately. Then, when my first session was over, I began to look forward to the next one. It's an enjoyable part of my weekly routine now. Scott makes the workouts fun but works you just hard enough. He shows you how to perform each exercise correctly and pushes you when you need the motivation! Seeing great results and definitely getting stronger and fitter. Would recommend Next Level Fitness to anyone and everyone trying to achieve any fitness goals.

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